Like any company, Atlantica Merfolk school (shows as AMFS after this) has terms and conditions which apply when you book lessons with us. If you have any questions regarding these, please contact us. Further details about how we protect your privacy can be found in our privacy policy.
AMFS cannot guarantee the same teacher for every session, but we will try our best. All our instructors are Swim England/ ASA and/or STA qualified teachers, have enhanced DBS disclosures and are fully insured. Refusal to accept a lesson from a replacement teacher will result in that lesson being forfeited.
During their swimming journey with AMFS , the day and time of a swimmer’s lesson may subject to change as they progress through the scheme. We will contact you with suitable classes when this is the case.
Lesson fees
All lesson fees must be made and up to date prior to a swimmer’s lesson. Swimmers may not be allowed to participate in any class if lesson fees up to date on our booking system. Details on how to pay, as well as what the charge is for, will be communicated. Lesson fees paid to AMFS only permit the swimmer to take part in their lesson. Fees do not permit a parent, guardian or sibling to swim, attend the pool, gym, a fitness class or otherwise..
Non-attendance/cancelled lessons
Any lessons not attended by a swimmer are forfeited, whether due to illness or holidays. The safety and progression of your child’s swimming is of paramount important to us, so we want to keep disruption to a minimum. Therefore, if a child is more than 10 minutes late or visibly distressed at the start of their lesson, they will be refused entry and their lesson forfeited. If a lesson is cancelled for unforeseen reasons by AMFS , a message will be sent at our earliest opportunity via text to the mobile phone number on your account. It is the customer’s responsibility to keep AMFS updated of any changes to the details submitted to us on your initial booking. Any cancelled lessons by us, will be rearranged as a catch-up lesson. If these are not suitable, cancelled lessons credits can be collected on the swimmer’s account. Lesson credits do not have a monetary value and cannot be refunded, transferred nor can they be redeemed, until 4 credits have been collected.
Unforeseen events
There may be times when the swim school has to close as witnessed during COVID-19 and the National Lockdowns. These events, and others which may happen in the future are out of our control and we may have to close in similar circumstances again. If this was to happen, all customers who have made a payment, and are owed lessons, will have lesson credits applied to their account.
Adverse weather conditions
Unfortunately, in this country, we are often on the receiving end of some really bad weather. Heavy rain, gale force winds, snow, ice, etc.! This can sometimes result in a pool being closed because staff can’t get to work. Our teachers are sometimes traveling a fair way, so if the weather is bad where you are if you are able to communicate this to AMFS we can make a informed decision if travel is safe. If this happens, we will let you know with as much notice as possible. A catch-up lesson, or lesson credit, will be offered when the pool reopens. But if the pool is open, and the teacher is in attendance, our lessons will go ahead as normal.
Lessons cannot be cancelled with less than 7 days before service once a payment has been made nor can they be transferred, offered as credit or be refunded. If a swimmer does not wish to continue their lessons, please cancel via email or text message and give a month’s written notice via email to info@atlanticamerfolkschool.co.uk
For private sessions for Mermaid Parties or Experiences- these can be cancelled/postponed if 7 working days prior to date of session , but a 15% admin charge may be forfeit. If you wish to change the date we will consider this on a case by case basis. If cancelled with less than 7 working days full balance will be forfeit unless there is extenuating circumstances, again considered on a case by case basis.
We try our best to only have lessons during school term time. Any lessons not attended by a swimmer are forfeited, whether due to illness or holidays during a batch of lessons. Customers are able to view our lesson dates before booking. Cancellation cannot be completed retrospectively and, as such, we will not offer refunds, or partial refunds for lessons which fall on these dates.
Medical/behavioural conditions and individual needs
It is important to us that we provide the best lesson for each swimmer with us however, AMFS cannot accept responsibility for the medical/behavioural condition or other needs of any swimmer unless a full disclosure of the details has been made through your initial booking, this includes awaiting assessment. Should anything change, it is the customer’s responsibility to keep AMFS updated of any changes to the details submitted to us on your initial booking.
Swimmers, parents, guardians, siblings and all other associates must observe the venue’s rules whilst within the facilities. Venue staff shall retain the right to refuse admission. It is imperative that swimmers are on poolside NO MORE than 5 minutes before the commencement of their lesson. Parents/guardians must remain poolside for duration of activity so that they can take guardianship of their child incase of emergency evacuation of building/ toileting needs.
In the event of a swimmer, parent, guardian, sibling or other associate refusing to obey an instruction from a member of staff, behaving in an unruly manner towards a member of staff or any other person, or causing damage to pool premises or equipment in those premises, the swimmer shall not be permitted to continue with the lessons. AMFS reserves the right to terminate the lessons without further notice and without being required to offer any credit or refund to the swimmer. The swimmer shall not be accepted for any future courses also. The staff reserve the right to enforce their own centre rules with regard to behaviour. Any swimmer, parent, guardian, sibling or other associate behaving in a manner that the centre feels inappropriate or detrimental to other members will be informed as such and may be therefore asked to leave the premises. Any such behaviour may result in AMFS reserving the right to terminate the lessons without further notice and without being required to offer any credit or refund to the swimmer. The swimmer shall not be accepted for any future courses also.
Parents/guardians taking photos during a lesson is strictly prohibited. Any customer seen to be taking photographs/videos during a lesson may be asked show and then delete the footage, as well as being asked to leave the premises with their child and lessons cancelled. AMFS reserves the right to terminate the lessons without notice nor being required to offer any credit or refund to the swimmer and will not be accepted for any future courses.
AMFS cannot accept liability for the loss of, or damage to, any personal effects brought to any session and you are therefore requested to ensure that no valuable items are brought to swimming lessons. Nor does AMFS take responsibility for vehicles left at the premises and are left at the customer’s own risk. Also we use predominantly 3rd party venues, who also on the majority do not accept liability either, but would advise you to only bring valuables at your own risk.
Condition of pool premises
Whilst AMFS will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the condition of the pool premises, including the changing rooms, washing facilities, the pool and poolside area are in suitable condition, they do not accept liability for any injury to a swimmer which may be caused by any defect and further advise that any claim arising from such a defect must be addressed to the proprietors of the pool premises.
Transmission of infections
Any swimmer/parent/guardian suffering from an infectious ailment (or symptom/s) will not be allowed to participate in their lesson until the infection has cleared or they waited for the appropriate isolation period. More so than ever with diseases such as Covid-19, we have to be vigilant for the safety of other customers and staff, so we ask for your cooperation. Please read our Covid-19 policy for further information. AMFS reserves the right to refuse entry, or ask a swimmer to leave mid lesson, if they reasonably believe the swimmer to be ill and these lessons will be forfeited. AMFS will not accept liability for any infection passed from one customer to another. If cancelled due to covid with proof provided we may offer a credit or part credit, but will be decided on a case by case basis.
AMFS and the pool owners cannot accept any responsibility for any incident that was the sole responsibility of the swimming teacher in charge of the class or lesson in which the incident occurred. Full liability, in such cases, is with the teacher delivering the lesson.
Dispute resolution
In case of any dispute, please write to us at info@atlanticamerfolkschool.co.uk. Your correspondence will be replied to within 5 working days.
These terms and conditions may be changed at any time at the discretion of Atlantica Merfolk School and were last updated 14 October 2023