Mermaid swim test
Please watch this video before booking for your session, to make sure you/ your child will be able to meet these standards.
To be able to participate safely in Mermaiding, all swimmers must past a swim test of these skills, most stage or wave 3/4 are taught these skills.
Participants must be six years old or older on the day of the session.
Swim 25M competently on their front
Submerge face fully in water unaided
Able to demonstrate lifting their knees and performing a 360 degree rotations
Able to demonstrate treading water for 30 seconds
Demonstrate and undulating leg action (dolphin /mermaid) leg action with the face fully submerged for 5m.
If the participant cannot achieve the above requirements, then they will not be able to fully participate within the session. Saftey procedures and rules are reinforced throughout sessions, ensuring participants have full understanding.
If you or your child can complete these requirements, then we look forward to welcoming you to our
next Mer/maiding Experience or lessons.
For other areas check out for your nearest Mermaids UK instructor.

Upcoming events
Bridgewater Mermeet, Somerset (March 2025) 2pm- 3pm
Fully lifeguarded Mermaid/Merman event for Mers who have experience and capability using a monofin and tail, min swim ability.
Bridgewater Mermeet, Somerset (April 2025) 2pm- 3pm
Fully lifeguarded Mermaid/Merman event for Mers who have experience and capability using a monofin and tail, min swim ability.
Bridgewater Mermeet, Somerset (May 2025) 2pm- 3pm
Fully lifeguarded Mermaid/Merman event for Mers who have experience and capability using a monofin and tail, min swim ability.
Waiting lists for your area
Waiting lists for your area
Merclub Bridgewater
1610, Trinity Sports and leisure
Chilton road, Bridgewater
We have a new term beginning in Bridgewater in January 2023, for our Kids Merclub.
Ideal for new mers or those who have had previous experience.
This will take place on Sunday Afternoons, If you would like to put your childs name on the list or for further information please fill in out waiting list contact form.
Adult Introductory Class
1610, Trinity Sports and leisure
Chilton road, Bridgewater
Mermaiding is not just for Kids its for all ages and if you would like to have a go with like minded people this is the one for you.
This will take place once a Month on a Sunday dependant on demand
Chudleigh Community Pool
Chudleigh Community School,
Lawn Drive, TQ130
This is only during the summer season, but whether you or your child would like to do a merfolk Experience with us then get added to our Chudleigh waitlist for information and updates for when these sessions will be happening.