Frequently asked questions.
How old do you need to be?
All participants should be at least 6 years old
How strong a swimmer do I/my child need to be to do mermaiding?
The criteria to participate is the same for adults and kids all should...
Be able to swim 25 meters comfortably
Be able to submerge your face fully whilst swimming
Be able to tread water in both shallow and deep water
Be able to life your knees and turn 360 degrees in both directions
Be able to demonstrate a basic dolphin kick for 5 meters
For more information please watch our video on the swim skills test on our booking page.
Can Adults do it too?
We also offer mermaid lessons and Mermaid meets for adults that want to swim as a mermaid. The criteria are the same as for our children’s mermaid lessons, but you will be swimming with other like minded adults who share your dream of becoming a mermaid!
Is Mermaiding safe?
As a qualified Instructor part of MermaidsUK we pride ourselves on teaching Mermaids in a safe environment. This is why every participant must pass our MermaidsUK swim test prior to wearing a Mermaid Tail and Fin in the water.
The Royal Lifesaving Society UK said it was aware of "incidents caused through improper use of mono-fins and mermaid tails" and said people should only use the tails in professionally-organised classes.
Ref: BBC.co.uk
Where Can I get my own Merfolk tale?
There are alot of different Monofins and Tale skins that can be bought to create your own unique style, but beware there are alot of low quality unsafe monofins and tailskins so Click Here for a fully comprehensive list of Safe Monofins and TailSkins that can be bought, at different price points. in the water.